Truth in Politics #2 – November 1, 2024
This is the second of these important datasheets. The falsehoods put out by the democrat campaign machine have shocked me. Their false claims are not fair to any of the voters, so they need to be examined, and the truth brought to light.
What follows are some of their claims and the clarifications.
This TIP sheet is a result of my conversation with a relative.
· Trump Will Destroy Our Democracy. The fact is that we were never a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic with an element of a democracy in the design of the House of Representatives.
When the Constitution was written in 1787, the Framers had studied thousands of years of political history. From their studies they knew what caused governments to succeed and what caused governments to fail. Based on the timeless knowledge, they were unanimous in their will to create a REPUBLIC.
The timeless lesson delivered by history was that governments failed when the people found a way to vote themselves benefits from the treasury and elected officials who delivered to their greed. Debt followed, then collapse.
We are now in horrible debt—and sinking deeper—because of a disastrous constitutional amendment that won approval in 1913: the Seventeenth Amendment. It changed the Senate from a body of senators appointed by the State Legislatures to ones elected by popular vote. In that change the States lost their ability to control the growth of the federal government, and the new election process favored politicians who would promise benefits from government without concerns for the debt they created. Competent senators were replaced by charismatic characters who promised benefits for votes.
Our national debt is the worst thing that can happen to any nation.
Father of the Constitution, James Madison, wrote in November of 1787:
“Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”
Our national debt is the worst thing that can happen to any nation, but the faction that has taken over the democrat party keeps promising more and has increased the unfunded liabilities by a horrible measure. They do not deserve our votes.
Compiled and presented by Steven Maikoski, Author, “The Real Constitution and its real enemies” and developer of the Constitutional Initial Point. This newsletter is free, distribute it as you wish with proper credit.
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