The wild card that promises to change the big game in Trump’s administration is the new Department of Government Efficiency. Trump called it the Manhattan Project of Our Time, and added: “A smaller Government, with more efficiency and less bureaucracy, will be the perfect gift to America on the 250th Anniversary of The Declaration of Independence, I am confident they will succeed!'”
From what I have read, this is not an official government department. Wikipedia identifies it as a presidential advisory commission that does not need the approval of Congress. There is some guesswork about the group, so we should wait to see how the group is composed after Trump is sworn in.
The creation of this new organ sends a powerful message with its X-feed now on the internet, giving an early sounding board for those who want to complain about the wasteful antics and agencies of the US government. THAT exposure of every wasteful agency is what worries the swamp. It reminds me of when we lived in the Canal Zone in Panama, went to the downstairs storage room and turned on the light, then watching all the cockroaches run for cover.
Stopping the wasteful antics of our government is something that every voter should be applauding. Why isn’t the press praising this?
Trump wins: I missed an opportunity last week. The last time that Trump won I modified a photo of our old friend, Burt Prelutsky, to celebrate. I didn’t tell him that I had modified his portrait on the header, giving him Trump’s hair; he looked at it after one of his readers commented.
Burt called me after seeing it, still laughing. He was a good sport.
Although I am a photographer, I hardly know anything about the software that enables such modifications. I had to find a video with step-by-step instructions on how to add the hair.
Blogspot: You can find many of my past newsletters on the Internet at You can share my newsletters with your friends and can leave comments for all to read. Check it out and leave a comment!
Losers Fighting Back: As Trump names his nominees for Cabinet posts, the cheap political attacks have started. Let’s get to the point here: the swamp politicians must do everything they can to stop the march toward government accountability and fight Trump’s efforts at every opportunity. More in the next newsletter.
Dealing with leftists: I am going to add a section here about dealing with your liberal friend; it will be a repeat for some of you.
One of our readers, Margaret, has a few friends who won’t let politics rest between them, so she sought my help in addressing their screeds. Here is part of the problem, then my answer:
"Tax decreases for the wealthy will NOT help the middle class American. The theory of “trickle-down economics” has never worked, starting with Reagan and not with any other Republican administration. The national debt will rise exponentially and the wealthy will only get wealtheir. Cry in your cups about that. - Expect that we will be in a recession within a year if the incoming admin gets its way with policy."
Everything in that paragraph is wrong. Let’s examine the tax issue.
What is a tax? It is a process of the government taking money from the private sector for a variety of reasons. That seized money could have been used for building businesses, investments, purchases, savings or entertainment, all benefits to every sector of our society; this explains how the writer’s trickle-down charge is a fallacy. There is no possibility of trickle-down economics when the government takes the money.
The leftist rhetoric finally touches on the worst problem—our national debt—but lies about the cause and lies about the remedy. The debt is caused by too much spending, not enough taxes. If our government taxed everybody 100% of their income, it would not cure the debt; and what would happen to the private markets? The economy would collapse, proving that trickle-down economics is true.
The national debt will rise exponentially is another lie; look at the graphs, it is already rising exponentially and has been for years—because of spending!
These few points are very important, because, unlike social issues, the economy affects all of us. The writer is embracing their party and repeating their dogma without studying the issues. Don’t be one of those.
Pat Paulsen was a low-key comedian who once ran for president around 1964. The above picture is from a video that is on the Internet. I could not include the video in the newsletter. Anyway, an obviously hung-over Paulsen slowly says, “People are asking how it feels to go to bed on election night thinking you have the presidency in the bag, only to awaken a few days later [great laughter from the audience] and discover you are a loser.”It was good humor back then.
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