Saving Our Republic #1
November 29, 2024
One of my favorite readers messaged me, saying that she could not wait for January 21st, the day that Trump is officially our nation’s President. That day promises to be a day that our nation will change course and leadership at almost every level of government. That day will be our generation’s version of judgment day for leftist politics.
Our nation’s four years with the Biden-Harris faction has been an affair with a level of stupidity and foolishness that will prove to be unrivaled by any other nation in world history. The twin twerps led a movement that arrested our nation’s growing economy and attacked every sector that contributed to that success by immediately stopping and dismantling a valuable pipeline, opening our borders to invasion by enemies of every society on this earth—using taxpayer money to finance their seditious event—destroyed the readiness and discipline of our military, and created new programs that increased our national debt in exponential terms.
They continue to use government offices to attack their political opponents with ridiculous charges in criminal and civil courts, which is a crafty way of circumnavigating the unconstitutional bills of attainder. Even if no guilt is determined, the targeted defendants lose their money defending themselves.
Stopping every element of their attack on this nation is the only course we can take for our nation’s survival.
Although the leftist democrats are constantly claiming that President Trump will employ vengeful measures against his opponents, what they will experience is not revenge, but a Constitutional Course Correction.
This event is not personal. It is not anti-democracy. It is not anti-democrat party. It is simply reasonable, prudent and constitutional.
So, what is our constitutional course, and how far have we gotten away from it? In examining this problem, we need to start at the basics. This may not be exciting, but it is important for you to know.
The Constitution created our powerful federal government. In Article VI, it declares the Constitution to be the “Law of the Land”and requires the elected and appointed officers at state and federal levels to be “bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution.”
Those are powerful words, yet at the same time the framers of the constitution claimed that the federal machine they had created left many powers for the states to exercise on their own. The federalist papers provided several explanations of the proposed government’s limited design, but those limitations were only inferred in the Constitution’s body, which created a problem.
A leading opponent of the ratification of the new Constitution was George Mason, a friend of George Washington’s and one of the three delegates to the Philadelphia convention who did not sign the new Constitution. Mason charged that a bill of rights was needed, a written set of specific limitations written into the body of the Constitution.
Some disagreed with any bill of rights. In Federalist #84, Alexander Hamilton wrote that the mere presence of a bill of rights would set a precedent for groups to claim to have rights not granted. He was correct. We see this happening in today’s politics.
In time, James Madison realized that the Constitution would not be ratified by the States unless it had of a bill or rights, so he promised to introduce several amendments during the first session of congress, thereby paving the way for the eventual ratification of the new Constitution, which happened in June of 1788.
In 1789, Madison, as a member of the new House of Representatives, introduced twelve Amendments, ten of which were ratified and became known as our Bill of Rights.
We now focus on the last element in the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment. It clearly states:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
What this Amendment orders is that there is no constitutional justification for the Department of Education and many other costly federal agencies. Also, it means that since there is no mention in the Constitution concerning abortion, the issue belongs to the states. The leftist-democrats have been openly lying about the politics concerning that procedure; most of the public doesn’t understand the lie.
A fact stands that many of today’s political issues would not have their energy if the education systems had properly taught our children, some of whom would become journalists and politicians, about our Constitution and the balanced government it produced. On the other hand, many people do understand; they realize the disastrous course we now take, and they want to change it for the better.
This is where Donald Trump enters the picture. As a businessman, he lived and understood how politicians and government officials at every level were manipulating the systems to their advantage; he had first-hand knowledge of how abusive and inefficient government had become. He understood how the vast power of government had created a multitude of private sector businesses that profited from the abuses of government.
When Donald Trump said he wanted to do something about these problems, he had an instant audience of tens of millions of patriotic Americans. Trump is now at the head of a massive group of patriots who understand that if our nation is to survive, we must return to the prudent design of our founding father’s republic.
Those are fighting words to the culture of big government, inefficiency, debt, social & racial divisions, and frivolous lawsuits. The lines are now being drawn and the leftist fearmongering has started. We must prepare for the inevitable. I will continue these important points in the next few weeks.
(to be continued)
Never Mind: In my last letter I goofed up and Art Lourea corrected me. Roseanne Rosannadana said, "It's always something.” It was Emily Littela that said, "Never mind." Both were characters played by the late Gilda Radner.
Personal update: I return to my apartment tomorrow. Yesterday was the first thanksgiving I have spent alone, but I got a lot of work done. Here, I wish to thank all of you who have donated to my efforts. If any of you wish to help, contact me by email at
Have a wonderful weekend!
This is a free newsletter.
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