December 11, 2024

So, FBI director Christopher Wray has resigned, obviously sensing the inevitable firing two minutes after the inauguration. I wonder how many other agents are writing resumes now. 

These two Internet memes illustrate the upcoming change better than others:


Obviously, the Biden presidency sought to vandalize every sector of society and government in their reach.  As our massive federal government returns to a logical course and displaces all the perverts, we know they will complain and act like a bunch of flopping soccer players. 

Sorry, but that’s progress.

Sports Break:  Many of you know that I worked with sports for many years, mainly at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.  Officially, I did the administrative photo work for USA Basketball, the passports, team photos, etc.; I often did some work for other sports and met many Olympians.

While we were preparing our 1988 Olympic Basketball Team for sendoff, every basketball star in memory was invited.  Of those 50 all-stars, I met one of my favorites, Jerry West.  

One of the staff members, the one who controlled the credentials, did something very smart.  She created a sign in sheet for the big stars, another one for others.  Every star had to sign for their credentials, so on a legal-size sheet of paper she had the autographs of some fifty all-star NBA players.  

Imagine taking that sign-in sheet to the guys on Pawn Stars.  How much do you think this is worth? Rick would be dumbfounded.

Anyway, at that all-star event I saw the media people for the first time.  Before going on camera, they were constantly primping themselves, having a helper make sure that every hair was in place and their ties were straight, lapels properly turned and eye makeup properly detailed.  

I thought to myself that this was a sport, so dress sporty!  But the dress-up party has now graduated to fashion show level.  Just look at the NFL shows.  They are wearing tailored suits with $100 neckties! They remind me of the pimps who gain wealth from their workers.  

I wish they would wear sport shirts, not the stylish designer clothing selected by some gender-confused, Bud Light drinker.

I’ve been on the sidelines of many sports; it is quite raw. Perhaps this dress-up party is designed to bring some elegance to an activity that is controlled violence. Didn’t the Romans have special sections for the rich and privileged? 

OK, I’m done. 

Clarity:  Today’s democrat party has been infected by a dishonest faction that whishes to destroy this nation.  I used to be a democrat; today’s is not the same party.  Therefore, from this point I will refer to this group as the fascist-democrats or the leftists, not the democrats or liberals.

I’ll have more of this in another writing. 

The Leftists Final Acts are starting to surface.  I received an email from the ACLU, part of which I will cite below:

…as President Biden considers his presidential legacy, he should use his executive clemency powers to commute the sentences of those on federal death row.

Despite making history for openly opposing the death penalty while on the campaign trail, President Biden has yet to take permanent action and commute any federal death sentence.

But there's still time. With one month left in office, President Biden can and must use the powers of his office to commute the sentence of the people on federal death row – a step towards addressing the injustice of the federal death penalty and preventing Donald Trump from being able to execute an unprecedented number of people, like he did last time.

The death penalty is a morally bankrupt, racist tool of injustice. Tell President Biden to honor the commitments he made on the campaign trail and commute all federal death sentences now.

Notice how they make this an us-versus-Trump issue?  Since none of these felons were convicted of treason, they are all murderers or kidnappers, and the leftists want their vote.

Just thinking…perhaps in the next four years we may find some people convicted of treason, starting with the shredder of the January 6 Committee records?

Beware of a Gift Card Scam: If you purchase a sealed gift card from a retailer, feel through the packing to ensure that the entire card is enclosed.  Some scoundrels are unsealing the envelope, cutting off and keeping the magnetic strip on the card, then resealing the envelope and returning the pack to the retailer’s display.  The crooks use that strip to cash out the card and your gift $$$ are wasted.

Birthright Citizenship:   Some of you may know John Eastman, a former attorney for Donald Trump and one of the Smart Guys on Hugh Hewitt’s old radio show. The other was Erwin Chemerinsky.  Those two now qualify as the proper constitutionist/anti-constitutionist debate team.  I’ll get back to this later.

Anyway, John Eastman has studied the birthright citizen issue for years.  His opinion is relevant to today’s issue.  Here I present his argument where he focuses on the misuse of the words “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” which I believe is a valid argument:

“It is time for Congress to reassert its plenary authority and make clear, by resolution, its view that the "subject to the jurisdiction" phrase of the Citizen­ship Clause has meaning of fundamental importance to the naturalization policy of the nation.

The Original Understanding of the Citizenship Clause:  The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."[1] As manifest by the conjunctive "and," the clause mandates citizenship to those who meet both of the constitutional prerequi­sites: (1) birth (or naturalization) in the United States and (2) being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

The widely held, though erroneous, view today is that any person entering the territory of the United States--even for a short visit; even illegally--is considered to have subjected himself to the jurisdiction of the United States, which is to say, subjected himself to the laws of the United States. Surely one who is actually born in the United States is therefore "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States and entitled to full citizenship as a result, or so the common reasoning goes.

Textually, such an interpretation is manifestly erroneous, for it renders the entire "subject to the jurisdiction" clause redundant. Anyone who is "born" in the United States is, under this interpretation, necessarily "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. Yet it is a well-established doctrine of legal interpretation that legal texts, including the Constitution, are not to be interpreted to create redundancy unless any other interpretation would lead to absurd results.

He has a good point that the redundancy is a strong indicator of our Constitution being wrongly interpreted by allowing any soul present to obtain immediate citizenship.  Being subject to the jurisdiction means that the person is in the US properly and legally, and has subjected themselves to the government’s procedures.  No instant citizenship.

Read more here:

Erwin Chemerinsky, who I mentioned above, is an anti-constitutional attorney that is a distinguished professor of law for the University of California, Berkeley.  He holds this prestigious position despite his having called for the creation of a new constitution, claiming that our democracy is at grave risk.  

Nobody in law is this stupid, especially the dean of a law school. I believe that he wants to initiate a process to a new style of fascist or communist government—or worse.  He is a major player in our university indoctrination process that is destroying our nation. 

Ann Coulter Hits IT:  I love her acerbic wit.  The column she released today is very good; 

I highly recommend your reading it:  Kill Obamacare, Not CEO’s!

Fourteen more days to Christmas, twenty more days to a new year, and 40 more days to a new nation!



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